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Sri Veera Hanuman Nursery

Hymenocallis Littoralis

Business Type Manufacturer, Exporter, Supplier, Retailer
Tauranga Mean annual rainfall 1250 mm
Sunshine hours, mean annual 2350 hours
Temp.mean max. Summer25°C. Winter:15°C
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Location Anywhere in India

Product Details

Temp.mean min. Summer
Temp.mean min. Winter
Wet mild Winters with occasional light frost.
Product Code
Hymenocallis littora

We are one of the well reckoned Hymenocallis littoralis manufacturer and supplier from Andhra Pradesh. We offer premium quality Hymenocallis littoralis which is a vigorous evergreens species that is widely used as good garden subject in warm climates. The Hymenocallis littoralis provided by us is well known for its mesmerizing white flowers that have long narrow relaxed petals underneath the central cup. The wide demand for our littoralis testify our claims of being the topnotch Hymenocallis littoralis manufacturer and supplier from Andhra Pradesh.

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